Included in Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

How to optimize the share buttons for mobile

Optimizing the share buttons for mobile with Easy Social Share Buttons is really simple. All you need is the following 3 steps. The steps below are compatible with any cache plugin or server cache.

Step 1 – Choose the visibility of the networks on different device types

The options for network visibility on the different devices are located in Sharing -> Global Networks. You should complete this step only if there is a difference in the networks you wish to see on desktop and mobile. 

Step 2 – Hide specific positions on different devices

Each display position you can use in Easy Social Share Buttons has a responsive appearance panel. Using this panel you can set a particular position to be visible only on a desktop or only on a mobile. If it is always visible you should not make any changes. For example: you are using content share buttons and a sidebar, but you don’t wish to show the sidebar on a mobile device.

Step 3 – Include dedicated mobile optimized display methods

With this step, you can optionally enable dedicated mobile display methods. Those methods we create are highly optimized for the best experience when a mobile device is used.

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