30+ automatic display methods for share buttons
Special mobile-optimized display methods for share buttons
WooCommerce display methods
Automatically appear based on selected post types
Manual share buttons display using various options (shortcode, widget, block element)
Setup different automatic display methods per post type
Create custom display methods and positions from the plugin settings
Map WordPress actions or filters as a display method
Advanced shortcodes to show share buttons
Block editor element for share buttons
Elementor widget for share buttons
Responsive controls for the automatic display methods (control the visibility per device – desktop, tablet, mobile)
Ability to overwrite the global share button styles for each display method
Setup different network lists for each display method
Custom code and custom CSS fields are available for each display method
Advanced customization options for the display methods
Display conditions (for display methods such as pop-ups and fly-ins, where applicable).
Advanced deactivate for the automatic display methods (per post/page ID, URL, etc.)
Create additional custom display positions for share buttons inside the plugin. The custom display positions are equal to the default automatic positions offered by the plugin. They all have the same design and functional options. You can call those custom positions using shortcode, function call or page builder element.
If your question about social networks for sharing is not listed here, please contact us.
Yes, when you pick the positions and the post types, Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress will automatically show the share buttons.
Yes, you can do that. In Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress, there is a setting where you can specify the positions running for each post type separately.
Most of the Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress display methods can be adjusted to look good on mobile. But there are 4 display methods especially made and optimized for best mobile experience and usability.
Yes, each automatic display method has responsive display options. You can use those options to pick hide on desktop, tablet, or mobile.
Yes, you can do this. Each position for Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress has advanced options for selecting a personalized list of social networks. If you don’t modify that list, the global networks will be used.
Yes, you can do this. By default, the plugin will always use the global share button style. Each position has advanced design controls that you can use to adjust the style of the share buttons.
Yes, Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress has a unique function to create unlimited custom display positions. Each custom position has all design and network options like the automatic positions. You can choose to activate it from the settings or not. The usage on the website can be done using a shortcode, function call, Elementor widget, or Block builder element.
Switch now to Easy Social Share Buttons - the only WordPress plugin built to solve all your social needs. Instantly enable features to grow shares, followers, or subscribers and get more traffic and conversions on your website. Simple and affordable pricing without monthly or annual fees. Pay once and get lifetime usage and updates. Join 600,000+ smart website owners who use Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress to get more shares, likes, followers, and subscribers.