Included in Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

After Share Actions for WordPress

Get Even More From Your Share Buttons with After Sharing Actions
After share actions are an important way of engaging active users with your site and content, increasing your social following, populating your mailing list, or running your own code.

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Click on any of the above buttons to test the after-share actions. You don’t need to complete the share (we will appreciate it if you do that). Just wait for 2 seconds at least and close the window to see the selected action type running.

↓ Select After Sharing Mode ↓

Capture The Most Engaged Visitors After Sharing And Suggest Additional Actions To Increase Your Social Media Popularity

The “After Share Actions” is a unique feature of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress. Define post share actions and ask your visitors to follow on social media, subscribe to your mailing list, or show any type of custom content.
  • 4 different massage modes (test by switching on the left).
  • Custom javascript code running with all modes.
  • Don’t show again rule with for a specific number of days.
  • Don’t show on mobile.
  • Specify only selected networks where you wish to use it (or leave it to all).
  • Direct integration to show subscribe forms from the Easy Social Share Buttons module.

Important Note! Due to users’ privacy, the “After Share Actions” module doesn’t track the real share action (does not track and collect any user information). The module registers the click on the share button and enables the action after it is closed.