(update) Updated mail form security checks to avoid possible unrestricted mail send
(update) Security update for a possible XSS vulnerability
version 2.0.5
(update) Update Facebook API for getting shared counter
version 2.0.4
(update) Update Pinterest API for fans counter to avoid missing counter value on some instances
(fix) Fix problem with not saving option in migrate to SSL in Administrative Options
(fix) Fix issue with the After Share code field
version 2.0.3
(new) Option to limit Post Vertical Float to enter footer of site
(new) Option to easy-social-share shortcode to display it only on mobile devices (only_mobile=”yes”)
(new) Deactivate After Social Share actions for mobile devices
(new) Select option to show after share action after specific time and avoid display on every page load
(new) New counter position inside before network names
(new) 2 new total counter positions included with option for custom text – before social share buttons and after social share buttons
(new) iThemes Exchange Support added
(new) After share close action can be turned off once appear for a selected days for current user
(new) Option to set different mail button function for mobile device
(new) myCred integration support custom point groups
(new) Extended WooCommerce support with added display at the bottom of product page or at the top of product page
(new) Google Analytics Campaign Tracking code can be personalized for each post/page (variable {network} to allow personalization for each social network)
(new) Option to make plugin always share http version of post address when migrate to https
(update) Updated share counter to use Facebook API 2
(update) When popup is used now the dialog can close when you click outside it
(update) Updated Facebook Like button to allow share after pressing Like
(update) Added option to turn off cache of short urls
(update) Improvements in cache module
(update) Updated links to knowledge base in plugin settings
(update) Updated Visual Composer element to handle the new shortcode functions for share buttons (counter positions, templates)
(fix) Fixed problem with mobile options and build in cache module
(fix) Fixed problem when sometimes the negative social counter hide does not work properly
(fix) Fixed problem with quotes in after share action messages
(fix) Fixed Fans counter total site loves taking not active Posts, Comments or Users count
(fix) Twitter card not including post featured image when active type Summary With Large Image
(fix) Fixed localization problem with love this button
(fix) Fixed notice message that appears in Click Stats screen
(fix) Fixed problem with advanced display methods and new templates
(fix) Fixed problem with mobile settings and new templates
(fix) Fixed problem with mailto command and Google Analytics tracking plugins
(fix) Fixed problem with WhatsApp encoding of special characters
(fix) Fixed problem with not loaded sometime API’s for social networks
(fix) Fixed problem with clean buttons method (options were crossed).
(fix) Fixed problem with WhatsApps shorturl provider not saved in settings
(fix) fixed problem with non latin chars option and WhatsApp
(fix) Fixed typo in default mail message after initial plugin install
(fix) Fixed in mail send the issue with quotes
(fix) Fixed problem with mail message button and non latin chars address
(fix) Fixed problem with mailto link and quotes
version 2.0.2
(fix) Fixed problem with short url cache when sometimes returns blank url
(fix) Fixed problem with https load of cache resources when default WordPress installation is not made on https
(fix) Fixed problem with advanced share message on post/page which was not taken correctly
version 2.0
(new) After share close module include with otpion to display like/follow buttons, custom html (ex: subsribe form) or custom user javascript code
(new) Social Image Share module included with option to share on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter
(new) myCred integration
(new) Social Privacy included (requires page reload as it uses cookies to store user choice)
(new) Option to rearrange the native buttons from plugin settings
(new) Build In cache module supporting caching of dynamic resources (javascript and CSS), buttons render, combining static CSS into single
(new) 7 new templates included Circles (Retina), Blocks (Retina), Grey Circles (Retina), Grey Blocks (Retina), Dark (Retina), Clear (Retina), Copy (Retina)
(new) 4 animations available to share buttons
(new) New counter position bottom added
(new) Internal counter for all networks that does not have access to counter API (activated with option)
(new) Option to include Twitter username in Buffer share message with via parameter
(new) Option to get page with query string params
(new) Option to load scripts deferred
(new) Option to decativate button display on home page or deactivate button styles on homepage
(new) Option to share post with url parameters
(new) Option to turn off editing of send to mail message from users
(new) Post vertical float bar can be displayed afrer amount of conent is viewed
(new) Option to set max width of buttons container in full width button display mode to allow usage of total counter
(new) Option to display buttons without icons
(new) Quick settings apply screen – allows you easy to activate settings with one click
(new) Quick fix screen – applies settings change for most common issues
(new) Display share button counter when a specific amount of shares is reached
(new) Use j.mp domain in short url options for bit.ly
(new) Added Steam, Flickr Groups, Total Site Fans to social fans counter
(new) Added Google Campaign Tracking Code option in settings
(new) Option to provide customized message before share buttons
(new) New shortcode generator added
(new) New display method included Flyin
(new) Option to provide custom home page display method
(new) Included option in admin to turm off FontAwsome icon load
(new) Included in customizer options to change the style of total counter
(update) Updated popup to allow hide on all pages
(update) Updated Fans Counter Facebook to allow connection with or without API key
(update) Added url parameter to posts and comments fans counter buttons
(update) Updated Fans Counter font
(update) Updated and improved stats dashboard
(update) Updated configuration wizard
(update) Update admin interface
(update) Added to shortcode parameter order to allow provide custom order of buttons
(update) Post vertical float bar is displayed from content bottom with fixed initial top position
(update) Updated shortcodes to have parameter hide_mobile to allow do not display on mobile devices
(update) Updated YouTube subscribe button to use channel id – please update existing settings and shortcodes to channel ID
(update) When float from top buttons remain same width as the originally displayed on post
(update) Added again clean buttons from excerpts with action remove
(update) Sidebar is always loaded from page footer
(update) Added to excerpt load handle for custom priority provided by user
(update) Short URL is now cached in post meta for faster performance
(update) Included option in administrative section to fix counter problem with limited cURL installations
(update) Easy Social Metrics has second method of data extraction
(update) Updated Easy Social Metrics Lite scheduler
(update) Updated Advanced share message to parse in Tweet variables that are available in mail screen
(update) Updated Advanced share message to allow WhatsApp use message field
(update) Updated Google Universal Analytics trackcode to include URL
(fix) Fix the problem with econding of mail message when mailto option is used
(fix) Fixed problem with not showing multiple vk.com widgets
(fix) Fixed problem with unified shortcode true/yes options
(fix) Fixed problem when sometimes button are not deactivated on mobile
(fix) Fix the whatsapp problem with + instead of space symbol (encoded as %20)
(fix) Fix the not possible deactivation of another display method on mobile for post float
(fix) Fix the ‘ appearance in Facebook Open Graph tags
(fix) Fix problem with float from top
(fix) Fix urlencode problem with Whatsapp
(fix) Fix prolbme when mailer code sometimes not included when sidebar is used
(fix) Fix problem with Twitter share short option when Facebook Advanced sharing is used
(fix) Fix Tumblr fan counter not working on some installations
(fix) Fix missing love you code when included from shortcode in template
(fix) Fix validation errors
(new) Tumblr support in fans counter included
(new) Fans counter color customizer included in Style Settings
(new) Cache counters option for Mail, Print and Love buttons that are self served from post meta data
(new) Optiont to change default priority of buttons call
(new) On post option to customize Tweet Message
(new) Google Analytics click tracking included (simple and extended)
(new) Included JigoShop support
(update) Updated Admin interface for easy work
(update) Moved YouTube and Pinterets Follow to async load mode
(update) Included option to load Facebook API async mode
(update) Performance updates of code
(update) Moved to Facebook SDK 2.0
(update) Moved to new Google+ SDK
(update) [ easy-social-like ] shortcode support follow buttons that are included
(update) Updated admin panel with additional links for easy usage of extended options
(update) Updated send mail code to be lighter
(update) Updated Visual Composer elements to support latest changes
(update) Unified true/yes parameters in shortcodes
(fix) Fix issue with total counter when different position of counters are used (thanks to martieda)
(fix) Fix issue with Fans Counter CSS and W3 Total Cache minifier
(fix) Fix issue with undefined text appears in total counter
(fix) Fix issue with theme customizer that only active in main option buttons where changed (not all)
(fix) No button appearance issue
(fix) Issue with total counter shortcode on archive/index pages
(new) Easy Social Share Buttons widget included
(new) More button added with option to show all active buttons after more or show all networks as popup or only active networks as popup
(new) Hide total counter until specified value of shares is reached
(new) Added counters to mail and print button
(new) Added to Social Fans Counter support for VK.com, RSS Feed, MailChimp, LinkedIn Company Followers, Posts, Comments, Users
(new) New template to Social Fans Counter Tiny
(new) New template to social share buttons Tiny (Retina)
(new) New template to social share buttons Round (Retina)
(new) New template to social share buttons Modern (Retina)
(new) Added new counter position Inside button with network name
(new) Extended settings for display position to provide options for counters
(new) Cache for counters that are not have API calls
(new) Force clean buttons from excerpt when used from another plugins
(new) SVG images for all retina templates
(new) Option to make Twitter count full post URL when using short urls
(new) Extended options for bottom sidebar display method added – change background color, align of buttons, option to show after percent viewed content
(new) Added top sidebar display option with advanced options – change background color, align of buttons, option to show after percent viewed content
(new) Extended options of popup display: added message above buttons, window width, text translation, option for manual display, option not to show again for 7 days on current post/page, option to display after percent of page/post is viewed
(new) Added top and bottom sidebar as possible mobile display methods
(new) Added switch to easy mode options – turn on only most common used options on screen
(new) Added configuration wizard to guide you for most commonly used options
(new) Ready made configurations included for Mashable style, Upworthy style and our main demo style
(new) Mail button can use build form and mailto link
(update) Added to float from top option to set top position when using WordPress admin bar for logged in users
(update) Extended options to display in excerpt with option to choose position
(update) Force plugin to get current post/page
(update) Updated Easy Social Fans Counter render engine for faster widget generation
(update) Twitter closes window after Tweet
(update) Added featured image to mail message with usage of %%image%% variable
(update) List of networks in shortcode is used as order to display them
(update) When no Facebook Application ID is set in cofiguration plugin always uses simple Facebook sharing
(update) Moved mail form javascript to footer
(update) Included full width option correction value for mobile devices
(fix) Added handle for ‘ symbol in mail message and title
(fix) Fixed issue with Total Share shortcode and love this when love this is not enabled
(fix) Fixed undefined text issue in total count text
(fix) Love this not properly count when displayed in excerpt
(fix) Native Twitter Tweet button does not take short url
(fix) Issue with nextpost and Google Analytics options
(fix) Issue with both display method and custom display position settings
(fix) Issue when sometimes language for Facebook buttons is not applied properly
(fix) Network names are always hidden when counter position is inside but counters are not active
(new) Option to customize text for big total counters from admin
(new) Customize buttons for each button position
(new) Easy Social Metrics Lite module included
(new) Customize share settings for each post type
(new) Option to show Post Vertical Float as another display method
(new) 4 new counter styles added
(new) New display method – Post Vertical Float with advanced options
(new) CSS Builder to reduce time for custom CSS code generation
(new) Option to turn off Easy Social Share Buttons Advanced Options
(new) Option to turn off shorturl on Stumble
(new) Added support for ManageWP.org in share buttons
(new) New option for share with non latin characters
(new) Added 3 new locations to insert buttons for WP e-Commerce
(fix) Issue with click stats and print button
(fix) Networks pop when don’t pop is activated in some cases
(new) Option to turn off modules Easy Social Fans Counter or Love this button if you do not use then (for better performance)
(new) Option to activate counter in sidebar
(new) Visual options to correct Facebook like button top, height and width
(fix) Issue with 404 Page where buttons provide notices
(fix) Send mail form has placeholders that did not translate
(fix) issue with like top, share buttom when notices are displayed
(new) Option to extract fully rendered content in description in Social Share Optimization when you use page builder or shortcodes in content
(new) Added option to display from shortcode as float bar
(new) (beta) Option to use wpMandrill for send messages
(new) Message above share and like buttons support html and variable for post title and post address
(new) Option to hide buttons on all mobile devices
(new) Option to load scripts in head
(new) option to choose short url service in twitter share url address
(new) Added option to translate message send result
(new) Social Fans Counter can extract G+ follow counts using API key (stable and fastest method)
(fix) Issue with # in Twitter share message
(fix) Socail click log and analytics does not count when shortcode is used
(fix) Issue with shortcode and counter_pos parameter
(fix) Issue with Visual composer item and sidebar parameters
(fix) Issue with full width buttons and like/share and share/like display methods
(fix) Issue when social fan counters not update in some cases
(new)Visual Composer integration added – Easy Social Share Buttons, Simple Native Social Like and Subscribe Buttons, Advanced Social Like and Subscribe Buttons, Easy Social Fans Counter
(new) Metro template to skinned native buttons
(new) Added Pinterest Pin button to native like and subscribe buttons
(new) Added Twitter Tweet button to native like and subscribe buttons
(new) Option to hide network names on mobile devices only
(new)Mail captcha option to send mail form. To activate it you need to enter question and answer where mail options are
(new) Added new social network to share buttons Flattr
(new) Added ManagedWP.org to native like and subscribe buttons
(new) Added Pinterest to fan counters
(new) Added Total site loves to fan counters
(new) Added option to turn off additional display methods on mobile
(update) Width of fan counters can be set in percents
(update) Code performance improvements
(fix) Fixed issue with rename network names and quotes
(fix) Fixed CSS issues
(fix) Fixed alignment issue with native like buttons on some themes
(fix) Fixed fan counters not refreshing in some cases after cache expire
(fix) Fixed issue with Google+ followers
(fix) Fixed problem with TwitterAPIExchange class if loaded from another plugin
version 1.3.9
(new)Easy Social Fans Counter included with support for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo, Dribbble, Github, Envato, SoundCloud, Behance, Delicious, Instagram
(fix) Added fix for problem when hosts set restriction (safe_mode or open_basedir)
(new) Added alternative render method for mobile devices
(fix) Pinterest API is now loaded from secure server
(new) Option to change Facebook Like button width from Plugin Options
(new) Option to use pre minified javascript and css files to improve page load
(new) Love you button has messages for loved and already loved
(fix) Counters are extracted from secure address where possible
(fix) Pinterest sniff for images issue with Internet Explorer
version 1.3.8
(new) Added support for Weibo
(new) Added support for Xing
(new) Added support for Pocket
(new) Localization of send mail form
(new) Message and subject in mail form are editable by user
(fix) Changes in Social Sharing Optimization
(fix) Issue with buttons not showing in some templates
(fix) Set CURL to use IPv4 because of many errors with IPv6 protocol in hosts
(fix) Added second way to float buttons with javascript
(new) Added support for og:video
(fix) Excerpt issue when using other SMO or SEO plugins
(fix) Open Graph tags are set to read first excerpt and the force generate
version 1.3.7
(new) Template customizer – change colors or icons of template from admin options
(new) Full width buttons for default display methods
(fix) Automatic update of love button counter on click
(fix) Love button was not handled by click log function
version 1.3.6
(new) Added support for Delicious
(new) Added support for Buffer
(new) Added support for Love You Button
version 1.3.5
(new) Added support for Reddit
(new) Social Share Optimization meta tags – Open Graph and Twitter Cards
(new) Option automatically to display another instance of buttons as popup or sidebar
(new) bit.ly support for short urls
(fix) Fix in description meta tag generation
version 1.3.4
(fix) Fix issue with on post/page settings conflict with other plugins
version 1.3.3
(fix) Fix issue with Google Analytics for WordPress plugin which breaks share
(new) Automatic plugin updates from version 1.3.3 added
version 1.3.2
(new) New admin panel
(new) Advanced Custom Share options
(new) Option to hide buttons on low resolution mobile devices