Included in Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

How to translate in your language texts generated from plugin

Translating the plugin generated content in your language does not require additional plugins. You can do this using the plugin menu. All default generated texts by the plugin are in English. The translate menu may not be active for all users by default. If so you should enable it from the Activate/Deactivate features. Learn more about feature activation and deactivation here.

You don’t need an additional plugin to translate the texts generated by Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress on your website. Everything you need is integrated directly into the plugin menu.

Share Counter Text

The translation of the share counter texts (share, shares, etc.) can be found in the Share Counter settings menu. To translate go to Sharing -> Share Counter Settings -> Total Share Counter panel and fill in the texts you are using.

Default Texts

You can find fields in Advanced -> Translation Settings.

Multilangual Translate

If you are using a plugin like WPML or Polylang Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress will also show a multilingual translate menu. Using this menu you can set the plugin texts for each of the languages on your website.

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Need help with the plugin setup and configuration? Receive fast and accurate answers from our support agents. Our team can also offer on-site configuration of the plugin features and assistance with the initial setup.

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