Extra Powerful Social Sharing Features
Besides the regular social sharing features, with Easy Social Share Buttons' you receive a large set of extra functionality. Choose what you want and hide everything else.
Share Counters
15 Single & 8 Total Counter Positions
A large set of individual and total share counter positions. You can assign differently on each instance of share buttons.
Avoid Negative Social Proof
Prevent display of individual or total counter before reaching a specific value.
Share Counter via API
Update social shares from the API of networks supporting this functionality.
Share Counters via Clicks
Enable share counter for all other social networks by the clicks over buttons (internal counter).
Short or Full Value
Choose to show the short value of shares (ex.: 2k) or the full value (ex.: 2,000).
Animate Share Counter Appearance
Include eye-catching countdown animation for single or total share counter.
Overall Shares on Homepage/Site
Show the total number of shares collected from the plugin on the homepage or the entire site.
Fake Share Counter
Increase the share values with a specific multiplier. Applied over internal counters too.
Share Recovery
Recover Shares When Migrating
Easily recover your shares when you enable SSL (HTTPS) on your website.
Recover When Changing Permalinks
Recover shares when you do permalink or domain changes with just a few clicks.
Short URLs
All or Recommended
Enable generation of short URL for all share buttons or just for recommended - Twitter, chat and messaging apps.
bit.ly, rebradnly, po.st
Supporting not only bit.ly. Use also the unique rebrandly service or po.st.
Customize Sharing
Open Graph & Twitter Card
Automatically generate all required social sharing optimization tags for networks. Twitter Cards with a large image, Open Graph for Facebook and others.
WooCommerce Open Graph Tags
Are you running a WooCommerce store? Easy Social Share Buttons automatically generates social share optimization tags for a product with price, availability, and a gallery with images.
Custom Sharing Message
Fill custom details for the social sharing optimization tags on each post, page or custom post type.
Custom Tweet
Are you using Twitter? You can set a custom Tweet with hashtags and usernames on each post, page or custom post type.
Affiliate Plugin Integration
AffiliateWP Integration
Automatically generate referral links with AffiliateWP plugin. You can do this for the automatic generated or shortcodes too (when no custom URL is used).
Create Own Display Methods
Custom Displays
Create additional custom display positions for share buttons inside the plugin. The custom display positions are equal to the default automatic positions offered by the plugin. They all have the same design and functional options. You can call those custom positions using shortcode, function call or page builder element.
Actions/Filters Integration
Attach automatic share buttons display on existing actions/filters by your theme or other plugins. Those display positions are equal to the default automatic positions offered by the plugin. They all have the same design and functional options. You can call those custom positions using shortcode, function call or page builder element.