Unlimited Pinterest hidden images and advanced disable of images from pinning – new features coming with Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 10.1

Those features of the plugin are available from version 10.1 of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

Unlimited Hidden Pinterest Images

Pinterest can drive more visitors to your site, but we find that Pinterest’s recommended image sizes aren’t always good in blog layouts. That is why we have added the ability to set unlimited hidden Pinterest images. By hiding the Pinterest images, readers can share your content to Pinterest without the images ruining your blog’s layout or slowing down your website.

The usage of hidden Pinterest images changes the settings of the Pinterest button in the Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress. The previous option to disable the PIN of any image from the webpage has now changed to a drop-down with two possible options:

  • Show Image Grid – this option will let you Pin any image from the page or only hidden images.
  • Share Post Image – share only the image you have set in the Pinterest settings on the post.

When you use the image grid mode of the Pinterest button there will be another drop down to select the pin of all images or only hidden images.

On each post in the Pinterest settings of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you will see a new field to select the unlimited custom hidden Pinterest images. The images will be added automatically when you are using the Image Grid sharing mode.

Advanced Disable of Images from Pinning

The advanced disable is a new function of the plugin that helps prevent images from being shared. This prevention works not only for the Pinterest share button. It will also work for the Pinterest Pro button for the images. It will even work for the browser extensions for sharing too. You can easily enable the advanced disable from the Sharing -> Pinterest Pro Tools menu. You can disable images by:

  • CSS path – enter a CSS-styled path to the images you wish to be excluded.
  • Width and height – set up minimal image width and height that should be used for images to be pinnable.
  • Filenames – enter a list of filenames that you wish to disable from pinning (for example the name of your logo).
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