Guides Group: Social Features

How to add a custom social network in Social Profiles or Social Followers’ Counter modules

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress has a unique feature that you can use to create and add unlimited custom buttons to the social profiles list. This function you can use to add a social network or any custom button – for example: contact us, link to our mobile app, etc. You can access this feature […]

How to configure and show the subscribe forms on your website

The subscribe forms create a static and privacy-safe form connected with the supported service to receive new users inside your mailing list.  The list of integrated services include: Mailchimp GetResponse Mailster Mailpoet ActiveCampaign CampaignMonitor SendInBlue Mad Mimi Conversio Jetpack Subscriptions FluentCRM Axelle Email Marketing How to use the subscribe forms on your website First, you […]

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