Included in Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

How to make additional optimizations over the plugin static resource load

If you are using a cache/optimization plugin like WP Rocket on your website you can leave the default optimization options.

If you are unsure how to use the Optimization options you can:

  • Choose “The cache/optimization plugin is running on the website” if you are using a plugin like WP Rocket, W3 Cache, Autoptimize, etc.
  • Choose “No cache or optimization plugin is installed” if your are not using a plugin like WP Rocket, W3 Cache, Autoptimize, etc.
  • Contact our support team for assistance

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress offers an extensive set of optimization options. With the help of those options, you can additionally optimize the static resource load. All optimization options are located in Advanced -> Optimizations.

Optimization Levels

The optimization levels are a selection of pre-set options in the optimization setup screen. You can use those modes as a starting point.

  • Custom – reveal all optimization options for manual selection.
  • No optimizations – turn off any option from this screen. You can use it if you have a cache solution or optimization plugin on your site.
  • The cache/optimization plugin is running on the website – automatically apply the best options when a cache plugin (or server cache) is used.
  • No cache or optimization plugin is installed – automatically apply the most commonly used optimizations when you don’t have a cache plugin installed.

Most Commonly Used Optimization Options

  • Minified CSS and Javascript files – those options are must be used all the time. They will ensure that you are using the smaller minified resources.

  • Generate dynamic user styles for active display positions only – plugin generates the dynamic styles for all positions, no matter they are active or not. That is made because you can dynamically change the active positions using advanced options for post types, device types, etc. But if you do not make such advanced settings it is recommended to use this option to eliminate the generation of previous dynamic styles, not used currently on site.

  • Share buttons stylesheet type – control the version of the main stylesheet file that the plugin will use. The default option is full (everything). But if you do not need all the templates or counter styles you can try the slim (almost half the size) or mini (highly optimized). The change will remove from the set up a few templates and counter styles.

  • Combine CSS and Javascript files (pre-compiled mode) – this is a unique model of the plugin that will capture all used styles and scripts (including the dynamic generated) and generate static CSS and javascript files for use (one of type). And from now on it will use just those files only. For optimization purposes, those files will also load from the footer of the site (providing a non-render blocking page load).

  • Load static resources on – select where you need to load the plugin resources. You can choose between Everywhere, Selected Post Types or Selected Post/Page IDs. The default mode is everywhere and if you plan to use shortcodes, custom displays or content builders we recommend to keep it that way. The other mode you have is “On activated post types in Where to display” – this will load resources only for the post types you choose to show share buttons. If you use plugin components (not only share buttons) outside that list you may see visual glitches. The last mode is to load on selected post/page IDs. Using this mode you can make resources loaded only on the provided IDs. You can use this mode if plugin features will run only on those pages. This mode can be used even if you build content custom with a builder.



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