Included in Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

How to deactivate display of share buttons or the plugin for particular part of your website

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress allow deactivating the display of share buttons or the plugin itself on specific parts of your website. This is usually done for performance optimizations (or because you don’t wish to see the automated displays).

Deactivate Share Buttons Display

How to choose the parts of the website where share buttons and share functions will automatically appear (post types, plugin integrations, advanced deactivate)? 2

  • Exclude automatic display on – exclude buttons on posts/pages with these IDs. Comma-separated: “11, 15, 125”. This will deactivate the automated display of buttons on selected posts/pages but you are able to use the shortcode on them.
  • Deactivate buttons displayed on the homepage – exclude the display of buttons on the home page.
  • Deactivate share buttons on mobile – this option required server-side mobile detection. If you are using a cache plugin or you have a cache on your host the detection may fail because most of the caches does not store separate desktop and mobile version. If enabled and mobile device detected it will completely remove the share buttons on mobile.
  • Hide content share buttons from archive pages – the option can be used to remove content share buttons, automatically assigned in the excerpt of posts in your lists of articles. This will not remove the website display methods you have chosen in the positions.
  • Hide content share buttons on the homepage – the option can be used to remove content share buttons, automatically shown on the homepage. This will not remove the website display methods you have chosen in the positions.
  • Specify URLs of pages or posts where share buttons will not appear – the option will deactivate only the share buttons. All other plugin components will continue to work. One per line without the domain name. Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path. Example: /profile/(.*)

Fully Deactivate The Plugin

The deactivate options you can access from Advanced -> Deactivate. Using those options you can completely deactivate the plugin (including assets loading) on specific posts or URLs.

Deactivate - how to fully deactivate the plugin on specific places of your website 1

  • Deactivate the plugin on – deactivate buttons on posts/pages with these IDs. Comma separated: “11, 15, 125”. The deactivating plugin will make no style or scripts to be executed for those pages/posts. The plugin also allows deactivating only specific functions on selected page/post ids.
  • Specify URLs of pages or posts where the plugin will not appear – the option will deactivate all plugin functions. One per line without the domain name. Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path. Example: /profile/(.*).
  • Deactivate the plugin on mobile – completely deactivate the plugin on mobile devices. The option requires server-side mobile detection and won’t run properly if you are using the optimization/cache plugin (or you have server cache).
  • Advanced plugin’s components deactivate – enable deactivation of specific components of the plugin on selected post/page IDs (similar to deactivating the plugin on but for different components).

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